People are saying or indicating that what I did has caused Gridcoin to drop...
- me: feel free to also point all other coins' down to someone
- me: yeah, I guess many don't mind that and just buy in now,not only the traders
- me: so, the low price is a good thing, also
So I can point in the future to this argument, let's see what I posted in the last 2 weeks here on steemit (feel free to also comment with my posts on other places).
And ofc, let's not forget:
- Biggest crash in a while... or how bloody the bloodbath was
- or problems Gridcoin had itself during this time (marked below with: (B) and also see in the bugtracker)
I. last 12 days:
- events/ideas for Gridcoin's block #1000000 ?
- help team Gridcoin in the JULY 2017 challenges
- howto: fix your Gridcoin wallet (make it run again; get in sync, ...)
- new release: Gridcoin version
II. last 7 days:
- new release: Gridcoin version (not mandatory)
- (B): We are waiting for you, oh SUPER-block... again
- The top50 GRC addresses own 48% of all Gridcoins
- Erkan is criticizing more...
- top referrers to Gridcoin tasks + hangout minutes
- Team Gridcoin is leading in 2 BOINC challenges right now: PrimeGrid and Rosetta
- help team Gridcoin in the JULY 2017 challenges - v2
- (B): Did we save the world yesterday? Maybe, perhaps, who knows...
- (B): Gridcoin users: we need feedback about yesterday's fork situation from you
- Gridcoin poll: Developer Reimbursement 6 Month Package (vote until July 29)
- Gridcoin polls: July 2017
- What if... someone DDOS'd the whitelisted BOINC servers for a while?
- (B): greetings from our superblock: "Magnitude too low for POR reward."
- outreach: giving Wikimedia users Gridcoins for their activity?
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